Monday 2 April 2012

Swatch: Butter London - The Black Knight

Hi ladies! I know I haven't actually posted a swatch in a while, truth is I was going to take a hiatus, but I missed it a lot! So I'm back with a vengeance and I WILL post more frequently, I promise. I'm also going for a new layout with my posts, I want to make it a lot simpler to read and also shorter. When I have my photos to the left and text next to it, I feel obliged to fill the entire space with words, but sometimes I don't even have that much to talk about. Anyway, enough rambling, let's get into the post.

Today I have for you another newcomer to my blog, Butter London! The Black Knight was one of the polishes I was sent by Emily in a mini swap package after I moaned how much I've been lusting after it! The Black Knight is a sheer, black base packed with blue, red, pink and purple glitter. To save time and polish, I layered 2 coats of The Black Knight over Essie - Licorice. I didn't have too many problems with the application, I did notice the glitter clump in a couple places, but I think that was a lot to do with the amount of polish I had on my brush!

Crappy bottle shot.

Natural Daylight (excuse the nasty cuticle disaster & shoddy clean up!)
Direct Sunlight
You can purchase Butter London directly from their website for £12 each as well as various on line retailers such as BeautyBooth, Naturismo for £9.60 and even Boots for £10 each!


  1. Amanda Faulkner2 April 2012 at 05:41

    That polish is gorgeous! But to be honest, I think half of my enjoyment of it is all the Monty Python that runs through my head. :) "You get back here! I'll bite your leg off!"

  2. Oh, I love it!! It's so nice. £10 MY GOD.

  3. This is the only Butter London in my stash because someone sent it to me. It looks great on you!!

  4. this is one of my fave Butter London!! pretty!!
