Sunday 15 April 2012

Swatch: Essie - Bone Chilling

Hi ladies, I have one of the polishes I got recently in my Morticia's Nails set for you today. Now I've never really been a fan of pure white nails, they just remind me of Tip-Ex and how I used to 'paint' my nails when I was younger (anyone else ever do that?), but for some unbeknown reason I wanted to give them a shot. Bone Chilling is nothing more than a white creme, there's no shimmer or subtle glitters, it's just a flat out creme polish. Now, I don't know what it is with white polishes, but they are a NIGHTMARE to apply! The swatches below are 4 coats of Bone Chilling, which took forever to dry! After 20 minutes I still managed to smudge it, so I cracked open my bottle of China Glaze Fast Forward Top Coat (which I cannot STAND the smell of, seriously, it smells like anti-freeze) in the hope that it will finally dry!

Label Shot

Indoors, No Flash
I wore this proud for all of 10 minutes when I decided that it needed something extra. So I decided to put a thin layer of Revlon - Whimsical over the top of my ring finger for an accent nail and added some extra hearts which I got in my Secret Bunny Package from Betty Nails to give it some extra 'pazazz'.

After adding the accent nail, I think it looks a lot better and almost 'cute'. I'm not sure if I'll ever be 100% over white nails, they're pretty boring in my opinion. They do however, make great bases for Neon's and also some duochromes (I'll have a post coming soon to back up that statement). What are your thoughts on White nails? Do you love them or are you like me and loathe them! Let me know in the comments!


  1. Love it with the accent nail. So cute!!

  2. I bought a white just 8 days ago, and said the very same - it reminded me of painting my nails with tippex! I used it twice in last week, once as a base to coloured dots and once to stamp over. Looked awful stamped on, it's been relegated to cupboard for now....

  3. I have to agree with you, I think white as a base or as tips is ok but not a fan of all white.

  4. I do like all white from time to time, but your accent nail really brings the whole thing to life. Can't wait to see your duochrome proof. ;) lol

  5. I've never had white nails but I really like the effect :-)

  6. I really like this mani!!!
    I have no white polish (well I have one but it's a cheap one just to do some nail art) but now I think I may need one :)

  7. I agree that white polish is always a pain! I love the accent nail!
