Thursday 16 February 2012

Nail Mail: Thursday

I have for you some more exciting nail mail today! Being on a no buy is pretty cool if I'm getting Nail Mail every day of the week, ha. On a serious note, these were bought before the no buy came into practise, so they don't count ^.^
I found the China Glaze Prismatics collection on a UK e-tailers and definitely had to snatch a couple up. I mainly wanted to try them out, so instead of buying the whole collection, I thought I would only get 2 for now.
The colours I chose were 'Polarized' (the silver) and 'Prism' (the purple), one thing I love about China Glaze glitters are that 9 times out of 10 they are very, very glitter packed and only need 1 to 2 coats for maximum impact! I've only swatched these on my nail wheels, but I am pretty impressed with the outcome! I'll have swatches of these up for you ASAP, but for the meantime there are a lot of swatches of them all over the blogesphere that you could check out :)!

Also, my giveaway ends in 8 days! So if you haven't entered already, click the 'Giveaway' tab at the top of the page to be taken to it, or click the picture in the side bar ----> and that will take you there too!


  1. YoooWoooo Rach!
    They are sooo damn gorgeous! :D
    <3 Can't wait to see them on your nails!
    I bet you'll get lots of compliments xD

  2. I did a post on a handful of these a few weeks back - you should check it out, my favorites are Prism, Liquid Crystal (shows the duochrome the most), and full spectrum. ;o) I was soooo much happier with them as well!
