Tuesday 13 March 2012

Swatch: Models Own - Foxy Fuchsia

Hi ladies! Another swatch for you today! I'm totally nailing my swatch vault right now, woohoo. 
Here we have Models Own - Foxy Fuchsia, another polish I bought for a swap last year but decided to keep for myself after it didn't go ahead.
Foxy Fuchsia is definitely a Summer colour, it's a bright, hot pink creme and is opaque in 1/2 coats! The pictures don't do it as much justice as in real life, but they come pretty close. I'm not the biggest fan of pinks on my nails, but I loove the way this one looks against my skin. 
If you don't have this in your collection yet, I suggest you get to it! You won't be disappointed, I promise you. This will more than likely be a staple colour in my 'Summer Nail Wardrobe'.
You can buy Models Own from their website or most Boots stores in the UK for £5 each. For you international ladies, check out Harlow & Co to get your Models Own fix at $10 each!


  1. Oh em gee. This is gorgeous! It demand attention

  2. Wow! Definitely going to look out for this next time I'm out! I'd be wearing it alot in the Summer.
