Saturday 17 March 2012

Nail Mail: What I've bought over a week.

Hi Ladies, so I haven't done a Nail Mail post in a while (apart from the two swap packages I received) I haven't been getting much Nail Mail lately to warrant a post, but I have been collecting quite a few things over this past week or so. I've actually bought a lot more than in this post, but all of those are for swaps and my secret bunny - so I'm not going to show you those. I am however going to show you what I've picked up for me along the way.

L-R: Golden Dragon, Magic Star, Groovy Grey, Midnight Kiss, Pool Party, Chocoholic, Flamingo & Hot Coral
Lately I have been a little bit obsessed with GOSH polishes, the main reason being that currently my Superdrug have a GOSH clearance bin in store that is filled to the brim with discontinued make-up and nail polish. I haven't been lucky enough to find Holographic or Rainbow, but I have managed to find other discontinued polishes - two being Golden Dragon & Magic Star. I managed to snap these up for £2 each! Bargain.

Finger Paints; Flecked & Motley & Collection 2000 Swizzles, Juicy & Sass
Finally my Finger Paints flakies collection is complete! Due to a full set getting lost in the mail *sadface* I never thought that my flakie collection would be completed and I would only have Twisted sent to me in Nicel's package but thanks to Sarah's swap I was able to add Asylum and Flashy to my collection. Now all I needed were Flecked & Motley, so I went searching and searching until a lovely lady from PaA said she had a full set available for swap, as I only needed two I thought she'd never split them up and I would have to keep looking but no, she let me take them :D. The Collection 2000 - Swizzles I got in a little set from the £1 and the other two were given to me by my friends mum :')

The final things are these mini stamping polishes I was sent from to review which arrived today and a Models Own polish in Disco Mix that I ordered a couple weeks ago when I was ordering some polishes for a swap. I've been after this for ages but whenever I wanted to order it, it was always out of stock *boo* so when I saw it was available I didn't think twice about adding it to my basket.

So that completes my little haul of what I have been buying lately! If you want to see a swatch of any of the polishes above, let me know and I will get those up for you!


  1. If you do find GOSH holo I hope you grab them all because I want one!! I'd love to see Models Own Disco Mix when you have time! I'm loving all your new pretties though!

  2. Oh I will, don't you worry about that! Haha. I've heard some people have actually found it in the bins! So jealous.
