Monday 26 March 2012

Nail Mail: & A Mini Haul

Hi ladies! So I did a little bit of shopping today and I also received a package from the lovely Emily in my Facebook group! The shopping I did was mainly for a swap I am doing with Nicole from Let Me See Ur Peacock but I did pick up a couple of polishes I have been lemming and also a couple polishes for some friends.
So the photo to the left is an overlook on everything I got in the mail/bought today. If you care to take a scroll down, I will show you which polishes are actually mine!

Sinful Colors - Nail Junkie, Butter London - The Black Knight & Sinful Colors - I Miss You
The first things I have to show you are the AMAZING polishes I received in the mail today from Emily! I posted in a group I'm in about how much I wanted Butter London - The Black Knight and Emily said she'd just ordered it and she would swap with me for it. I then saw an earlier post from her saying how she'd like to get her hands on GOSH - Ocean & Gasoline, so I offered to trade her those for The Black Knight! She was also kind enough to throw in two Sinful Colors polishes! I wish I'd had taken a photo of the packaging! It was SO cute. Thanks again Emily for your kindness and willingness to help a polish addict in need!

Max Factor - Meteorite, Moon Dust, Odyssey Blue & Graffiti
I didn't actually get these today, I ordered them about a week and a half ago from but have yet to feature them in a haul post. Since getting my hands on Fantasy Fire, I wanted to try out some of the other colours that were launched along side it. They're so pretty! The only downside is the size of them, they're SO small *sadface*

GOSH - Deep Purple, Metallic Blue & Attitude
Last but not least, from my trip into town, I picked up these GOSH polishes from the clearance bin! I love finding new things in there, and these I definitely hadn't seen before in the clearance, so I snatched them up for £2 each!

I was feeling pretty accomplished after my little shopping spree and wanted to celebrate (not as glamorous as it sounds) so as the sun is shining today and it is RIDICULOUSLY hot outside, I thought I would take my doggy for a walk in the fields behind our house.
How beautiful is that view? Proper English countryside.
My doggy and my boyfriend! How cute is this photo? :')
So there you have it! My day in a nutshell. I hope you enjoyed the post and have a few new lemmings you want to add to your wish list! Now I think I will enjoy the rest of the sunshine (even if it is starting to get a bit chilly) out in my garden! Enjoy the rest of your Monday!


  1. *giggles*

    Loved it all! Lovely Pics! ;)

  2. I'm a fan of glitters polish *-* I hope here in Spain I could find some like that!
    Nice pictures *-*

  3. Amanda Faulkner26 March 2012 at 19:51

    Some great finds there! I keep finding clearance gosh at my local drugstore here in Canada. Funny thing is, I could swear that they are ones I've never seen in the actual display. Doesn't really matter though, I snatch 'em up! :)

  4. Awesome haul! & love yr pic of the crisp clear countryside pretty :)
