Tuesday 27 March 2012

Polish Count: March

Hi ladies! As we're nearing the end of March, I thought it was about time I posted my monthly 'polish count' update! If you're new to my blog and haven't seen this before, basically every month I do a total count of my stash (using my spreadsheet, I don't sit there and count them every month, I promise) and make a post. This is a way for me to keep track of my monthly purchases and polishes I have received from swaps etc, and also a way to show you guys how out of control I really am! So without further ado, here's my count for the month of March!

Polish Count (March 27th); 315

So that's a total of 68 polishes I have added to my stash this month! I'd say that this month is definitely one of the larger months I have had in a while. I said in my last polish count post that once I reached 300 polishes, I was going to invest in a Helmer, well that hasn't happened yet! I'm working on it, I promise. Here's a little photo I took of my stash yesterday when sorting them out! This isn't actually everything, I forgot to include all of my E.L.F polishes and some misc cheap brand polishes from the market, as you can see, I do have a challenge deciding what colour to wear when I want to paint my nails!


  1. That's an impressive stash! :)

  2. Quite a nice stash you've got there!! Yep, you definitely need a helmer.

  3. Great job i´ll be back soon.
